Rehydration Drink

The start of our day...

Photo by Mindstyle/iStock / Getty Images

Another staple of our daily routine is a morning rehydration drink. I first learned this from Michael Stewart and below is a detailed look at its benefits.

I drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before any caffeinated drinks. I tend to use warm water not cold as this seems to suit my system better. Whilst not unpleasant it is also not the tastiest but since using it I have noticed improvement in my muscular recovery after exercise and honestly can’t remember the last time I was ill.

The quality of the vitamin c and the salt seem to be the key pieces. We order our vitamin c powder in bulk as it works out cheaper and if stored properly keeps for some time.

The following content of this post was kindly put together by Michael.

The Benefits of a Rehydration/Electrolyte Drink by Michael Stewart.

Everybody knows they need to drink water but what they don’t often realise is the importance of ensuring adequate electrolyte salts coming with it, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Electrolytes support many bodily functions, from ensuring your nerves fire properly to making energy. When depleted you can suffer a range of problems, from muscle cramps and fatigue to water retention and high blood pressure. They also increase your ability to actually absorb the water in the first place!

We lose electrolytes like magnesium and sodium not just when we use them to contract then relax a muscle or by turning sugars into energy but simply by sweating and going to the toilet. Hot weather, strenuous exercise and illnesses such as diarrhoea are common causes of losing extra electrolytes. 

So, to make sure you have enough to keep up your strength, stamina and mental sharpness whilst preventing problems such as muscle cramps and dehydration, we recommend a simple and inexpensive rehydration drink each morning and as a replacement for expensive, branded sports electrolyte drinks.


The Recipe...

Rehydration Drink


500ml filtered water

1 Lemon (freshly squeezed)

1/4 Teaspoon of Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt

500mg Mixed Ascorbates with Berry Concentrate (Vitamin C Powder)


Filtered water ensures minimal exposure to unwanted chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride and replacement of water lost the previous day and overnight through exercise, metabolism, breathing and sweating.

Fresh Lemon Juice adds a little flavour and a small amount of natural vitamins, enzymes and other natural compounds to assist your immune system, liver and so on. 

Sea Salt is a great source of these important electrolytes in an easily absorbable form.

Why not just use Table Salt? Well, Table Salt is made of only two electrolytes, Sodium and Chloride whereas Sea Salt contains a wide range of 84 different minerals, including magnesium, calcium,  potassium and many others. These are especially important for proper nerve function throughout your body, ensuring your heart beats regularly and your nerves control your muscles as nature intended. Table Salt having only two electrolytes can lead to an imbalance, with high levels of sodium potentially causing water retention, swollen ankles, high blood pressure and more. It can also contain other ingredients such as Sodium Aluminosilicate (E554), Sodium Ferrocyanide (E535) and even Talcum Powder (E553b), common Food Additive anti-caking agents, to make it pour more easily. None of those sound good to me and all have side effects ranging from constipation to worsening kidney disease.

Finally Vitamin C will help your immune system function better, help your adrenal glands in producing Cortisol (your energy producing “stress” hormone which is at it’s highest on waking) and acts as an anti inflammatory. It is best taken in the form of mixed ascorbates which are less acidic than regular vitamin C (for the more sensitive stomachs out there!) and come with further trace amounts of electrolyte minerals such as magnesium, again helpful in muscle relaxation, and zinc, vital for your body to grow and repair. The berry concentrates add antioxidants and aid in the absorption of the vitamin C, further helping your immune system and reducing the negative effects of everyday encounters with pollution and so on.