We have provided a brief summary of the T&Cs and Privacy Policy that apply to this form below. Our full terms & conditions and privacy policy can be read in addition if you would like to know more about where your data is stored and how it is processed.

  • I am aware that by filling in this form I consent to the assessment performed by David Thunder

  • I am aware that treatment based on this assessment should I choose to continue may include mobilisation, manipulation, manual therapy techniques, biomechanical assessments, soft tissue massage, acupuncture, or electrotherapy modalities. As in all health care, I acknowledge there are some very slight risks to treatment, including but not limited to, muscle aches and soreness following treatment. I do not expect the practitioner to anticipate and explain all risks and complications, and wish to rely on the practitioner to exercise their professional judgment with the knowledge that all procedures are in my best interests.

  • I understand that should I wish to decline any form of assessment or treatment, then I am entirely within my right to do so at any point and will inform David Thunder of my wishes at the time.

  • I understand that collecting relevant personal information about my health is a crucial part of David Thunder being able to effectively and safely assess and provide me with the best possible treatment and service.

  • In some cases David Thunder may record a short video or photograph to give feedback or illustrate his observations clearly; this could be in the form of a gait analysis or running assessment. This media will be stored and treated with the same level of privacy and security as all other personal information shared.You have the right to refuse to be photographed or filmed at any time.

  • David Thunder has a legal obligation to keep information about you confidential as well as to securely store them for a minimum of 8 years.